www.bergfilm-tegernsee.de is an information platform provided by the City of Tegernsee.
City of Tegernsee
Rathausplatz 1
83684 Tegernsee
Fax +49(0)8022-180122
Email: rathaus@tegernsee.de
The City of Tegernsee is represented by its First Mayor Johannes Hagn
VAT ID (USt-ID): DE131205311
Responsible in accordance with Interstate Broadcasting Agreement § 55 RStV: Johannes Hagn
The data and images published on this website are protected by copyright. No liability is assumed for incorrect textual information or faulty links. Any reproduction, mirroring or posting within other frames without acquiring prior written consent is prohibited.
© Tegernsee
© Rematec Datentechnik GmbH
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Business Partners:
– Rematec Datentechnik GmbH: system solutions, hosting,
technology, programming, design
– 0und1 IT-Dienste GmbH: leased line, firewall, hosting